How to Be a Dad

When my husband and I split up four years ago, we agreed to share custody of our….”son.” Four years later, we have a transgender daughter, and the crazy truth is that I’ve never really asked him how he feels about this.  So I did.  And I recorded his answer for the latest episode of my…

Dear Ms. S.

My little wonder starts third grade tomorrow. (How did that happen?) We bought all her school supplies and some snazzy new clothes. She’s got her first-day outfit picked out. Now all that’s left is for her mom to email the teacher: Dear Ms. S., It’s hard to believe that tomorrow my little girl starts third…

New podcast episode: Short and Silly

This mini-episode of my podcast is a little update on what we’ve been up to, with some very silly audio of my daughter.  (What can I say?  It’s been a silly summer!)   There’s also an important announcement about the future of my podcast (it’s good news, I promise) and an update on my daughter’s love life (and…