Transgender Kids Around the Planet (and me on the BBC)

I’ve always wondered how my counterparts were faring in other countries.  I’ve always worried how they might be coping, in places with even bigger challenges than we have faced here in the U.S.  (I know that my daughter and I have been magnificently lucky to find so much love and support.)

But what is it like, I wonder, to find yourself raising a transgender child in Asia? Or Africa? Or South America? Or Europe?

In this two-part documentary for the BBC World Service, I’ve had the stunning honor of speaking to my counterparts in multiple countries, including India, Columbia, Japan, South Africa, Italy, and elsewhere.  Their stories all brought me to tears, and all gave me immense hope, as well. I am certainly NOT the only parent fighting to make this world safer for transgender kids.  

The first part of this documentary airs tomorrow.  It tells many stories that will be familiar to you, if you listen to the podcast. The second part (airing a week later) will introduce you to the parents I’ve befriended from around the planet.  Please take the time to listen to their brave and beautiful stories. 

When to listen: 11am PT / 2pm ET (You can listen live here)

If you miss it live, you can listen any time after it airs at this link!

(Both programs will be available after they air at this link:

2 thoughts on “Transgender Kids Around the Planet (and me on the BBC)

  1. Marlo, I just love your latest work, the two part “Our Story” on BBC. What a remarkable collaboration!

    And as always, so gently and loving done (like the music and your voice, of course!), and so inspiring and informative.

    Thank you so much for generously and graciously sharing more of your & M’s life experience with me and so many others!

    Jerni ❤

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